In response to Thewhoamater: You’re right. The Tortured One never should’ve gone after the rest of Bikini Bottom. Unfortunately, he’d been hooked up to the harvester for so long- there’s no telling how long, in fact- that there’s no doubt his mind was twisted from the experience. In his poor, warped eyes, the entire town was guilty just for never trying to find out. And to be honest, I can see where he’s coming from. I understand.
But you can understand something and still disagree with it. And I disagree with the Tortured One. The only one who deserved what he got was Krabs.
Oh no…..hopefully Spongebob isn’t stupid enough to make another Tortured One for Pretty Patty meat…..right?
I dont think he’s that dumb
In my opinion. Patrick did nothing wrong. Mr. Krabs is a murderer and a torturer. he deserved it.
Going after Krabs sure, but the rest of the town? They had no way of knowing it wasn’t a burger like any other
In response to Thewhoamater: You’re right. The Tortured One never should’ve gone after the rest of Bikini Bottom. Unfortunately, he’d been hooked up to the harvester for so long- there’s no telling how long, in fact- that there’s no doubt his mind was twisted from the experience. In his poor, warped eyes, the entire town was guilty just for never trying to find out. And to be honest, I can see where he’s coming from. I understand.
But you can understand something and still disagree with it. And I disagree with the Tortured One. The only one who deserved what he got was Krabs.